Sunday, 31 March 2013

What does Hell look like?

As a kid growing up in a Christian family, I was frankly scared out of my wits by the idea of Hell.  You might think that fear is a negative thing for any kid to live with but you have to admit that fear of fire, spiders and snakes might save a kid from a nasty accident.

Even now as a person who has completely turned her life over to following Christ, I still 'work out my salvation with fear and trembling' (See Philippians 2:12).

So how do I know that Hell is even a real place?
1)  The Bible says it is and I believe the Bible for a multitude of rational, thought out reasons, but that's another blog.
2)  Because of YouTube.

OK, at this point you might be asking how YouTube got in on that.  But being a visual person, I love going to YouTube and seeking out all kinds of stuff, including the experiences of people who have been clinically dead and what they experienced.  Since they tell their lived out experiences far better than I could, I've compiled a list of links for you to check out with a quick commentary:  - This one shows a woman who went to Hell because she was a Mormon and had lots of wrong ideas about Jesus and God including one that there was no Hell.  Boy did she get a shock!  - This one shows a man who was taken to Hell and saw all kinds of people, including people who had thought they were Christians and safe from Hell and the reasons why they were there.  - This one also shows people in Hell who believed they were Christians but who did things like rob God and not tithe, children who were rebellious and Catholic nuns.  It was stressed that Catholics believe many lies.  There is no pergatory. - This one gives a long list of sins that will land you in Hell; surprising ones like complaining and the ones mentioned in Revelations like lying and stealing, others like cigarette smoking.

There are many more.  The points in common were that Hell is pitch black, stinking of sulphur, extremely hot, full of people who never thought they'd end up there, people in terrible torment, demons torturing people, terrible screams of agony.  The people who experienced this were deeply shaken by it and wanting to tell others about it.

FINALLY, just in case you've heard stuff about NDEs being chemical cocktails that are released into the brain by being near death, here's one that offers a scientific debunking of those ideas:

But don't take my word for it.  Check out these links and then keep surfing the subject IF YOU DARE.  Really you'd be nuts not to at least check it out.

If you want to avoid going to Hell, see the prayer at the bottom of this page.

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